Parent Groups

Parent Support Group (PSG)

The PSG is an open and social group made up of a volunteer executive, staff advisors and YOU - the parents. Meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6:30pm. Please see the school calendar for upcoming meeting dates and times. For more information, email us at If you are interested in joining, an overview of the various positions can be found here.

As a group, we are dedicated to:

  • Small project fundraising

  • Helping our students and teachers

  • Organizing fun events for our school

  • Providing valuable feedback to our school council

You are always welcome to attend the meetings. Your input is valuable and we encourage you to take an active role in your child's school. If you are unable to attend the meetings but would like to be involved in fundraising or in some other capacity, please contact our volunteer co-ordinator, Michelle.

This Year's Executive

  • Karen K. - President

  • Stephan L. - Vice President

  • Carol T. - Treasurer

  • Position Vacant - Fundraising Co-ordinator 

  • Onn C. - Colt's Cafe

  • Pennie Sanvictores - Volunteer Co-ordinator

  • Amanda T. & Joelle S. - Hospitality 

  • John W. - Secretary

  • Sheridan T. - Public Relations

  • Sara F. - Social Co-ordinator

  • Andrew H. - Council Liaison

Rooted in Faith

Praying for our students, staff, families, buildings and curriculum is at the root of our faith, and we believe truly determines our direction and progress as we journey together.

We invite all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, friends and parishioners to come and join us in praying for our Catholic schools Fridays at 8:45am at St. Joseph School. Our intent is to keep it casual and prompt. We will have scripture reading, short meditation and prayers of intention.

Praying for our children and their caregivers can certainly be done from home and we encourage all to continue to do so;  but praying together as a community of faith is powerful and a great blessing to us all.

For more information, please contact Julia.

For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.


   Matthew 18:20

Rooted in Faith